Today, I ran across this Slate article discussing a couple of very unusual phrases used in what would otherwise be a mundane US Department of Energy press release on liquified natural gas (LNG) exports.The first is in this sentence: “Increasing export capacity from the Freeport LNG project is critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the…
Arkansas River Flooding
Although the Arkansas River is currently flooding at historic proportions, Mike Grogan from Tulsa’s KOTV News on 6 points out that the ongoing flooding is different from the flooding in 1986. Key points are (1) the weather systems contributing to the rains are different and (2) increased urbanization in the Tulsa metro over the last…
Recent Starfish Fossil Finds
I very recently found what I believe to be two starfish fossils from the Wann Formation (Late Pennsylvanian age) in Oklahoma. At the locality I found these, the Wann is a bioturbated sandstone and shale formation, preserving several flute casts and burrows, and some plant debris. Interestingly, these starfish are preserved in sandstone and the paleocurrent…
Hello World!
Welcome to Bearded Geology, an irregularly updated blog on geologic curiosities and happenstances that I encounter. My beard and I are both Ph.D. students and teach some geology labs. Included on the “Courses” page are extracurricular material for some of these labs. In the “My Bookshelf” page, I have a list of books that I…